Created from the Worry Flowers series, each sculpture or installation begins as a 2-d calligraphy artwork. The flowers are cut, painted and molded to form sculptures and installations. From small works contained in a bell jar to installations that spread over a whole room, each is a unique collection of words chosen to convey specific ideas.
Mixed Media (Cut paper, Calligraphy, Spray Paint, Wire), Various sizes, 2023-4
A collection of sculptural works which evoke their own meaning based on the words they contain. Words like Infatuation, Distraction, Love, Duty, Tasks, Eternal, Security, and Anger come together in different arrangements.
Mixed Media (Cut paper, Calligraphy, Spray Paint, Wire), 48X48X6.5", 2024. This work is composed of over 2,000 individual word flowers.
Mixed Media (Cut paper, Calligraphy, Spray Paint, Wire), 48X48X6.5", 2024. This work is composed of over 2,000 individual sculpted word flowers.
An outsized meditation on the quiet power of negative emotions. The work is composed of over 2,000 flowers formed from the words in Arabic for Anguish, Anger, Sorrow, Hope, Despair, Duty, Tasks, Infatuation and Distraction. The veneer of an attractive and cheerful bouquet is, on closer inspection, chaotic with sinister undertones. The work represents the way negative emotions can colonize our lives until they become who we are; as in life, ignoring or glossing over these emotions will ultimately result in rot, chaos, and situations we must resolve or address. Swirling eddies of different words and colors, the visual representations of these forces, jostle for position. Their spheres of influence refuse to be controlled or resolve with each other, pushing into each other's space and lifting off the picture plane. They form rabbit holes to get lost in. They can't be contained. The Ripple Effect calls attention to the dangers of gathering our problems around us and keeping them close. The flowers manifest the gentle balance between beauty and pain, benefit and drawback, and disguising hardship with falsity.
2023, Spray paint on stencil film, floral grid. pictured areas: 22x22x10” and 13x15x25”, Individual flowers 3x3x3”
The finished size of this installation is site specific.
A large-scale project currently in progress, these flowers are a twisted menagerie, giving visual expression to the dangers of gathering our problems around us and keeping them close. Each component is formed from a single repeated word in Arabic for various anxieties or burdens. Cut, then brightly painted, their stems and leaves are sculpted using rough-edged wire. Forming undulations, arches and overhangs, they cover parts of the wall and ceiling. The growth will continues onto the floor, making it almost impossible to walk a narrow path through the sprawl. They will likewise cover objects placed within the space, engulfing them in an inescapable, choking force of terrible beauty.
Words used here are Despair, Anxiety, Distraction, Diversion, Doubt, Hope, Love, Lonliness, Desperation, Caring, Anger, Anguish, Tasks, Responsibilities, Decisions, and Infatuation. Each is a burden in its own way. Overall the effect is bright and attractive, yet the underlying metal structure is barbed with thorns. It's a reference to the human tendency to self-identify with our issues and allow them to overtake us. By giving these burdens visual expression and drawing attention to this underlying tension, this immersive installation encourages viewers to examine their relationship with the direction of their own emotional energies.