Ink and Paint on Paper, 2021-Ongoing
The Worry Flowers are a twisted menagerie, giving visual expression to the dangers of gathering our problems around us until we can’t see past them. A series of hand scripted calligraphy works on paper, these serve a dual use for larger three dimensional works. Hand scripted Arabic words for worries and burdens form each flower. Words are selected for their representation of challenges and burdens, as well as their potential for both positive and negative interpretations.
The flowers represent the dangers of becoming our worries and letting them overtake us. They manifest the gentle balance between beauty and pain, benefit and drawback, disguising hardship with falsity. The work also touches on the way in which Arabic words, with multiple levels of meaning, enrich our understanding of each.
The Worry Flowers feature in the conceptual works Bouquet of Burdens (private collection) and The Only Way Out is Through (in progress)
They were presented in the group show A Very Narrow Bridge at the Museo Ebraico in Lecce, Italy in 2022-3.


2024, Ink on paper, 8.5x11" The Arabic word for Anger, الغضب, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2024, Ink on paper, 4x4" The Arabic word for chaos,فوضى, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2024, Ink on paper, 8x10"

2023, Ink on Paper, 11x14"

2023, Ink on paper, 11"x14" The Arabic word for Confusion, ارتباك, is repeated to form this floral shape.


2024, Ink on paper, 8x8" The Arabic word for safety, أمن, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2024, Ink on paper, 8x8" The Arabic word for Danger, خطر, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2024, Ink on paper, 8x10" The Arabic word for pressure, وطأة, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2024, Ink on paper, 5x5" The Arabic word for control, سيطرة, is repeated to form this floral shape.



2024, Ink on paper, 8x8" The Arabic word for Futile,مهدور, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2024, Ink on paper, 7x7" The Arabic word for Useful,صالح, is repeated to form this floral shape.








2023, Ink on paper, 8x10"

2023, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Loneliness,عزلة, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Love, حب, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Love, حب, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Desperation, ياس, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2023, Ink on paper, 7x7" The Arabic word for Desperation, ياس, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Infatuation, وله, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Infatuation, وله, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Doubt, شك, is repeated to form this floral shape. Arabic speakers will notice the 3 nuqda necessary to form the letter Seen have been left out to maintain aesthetic and structural integrity in this design, intended to be cut as a single piece.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Doubt, شك, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Doubt, شك, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Despair, قنوط, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Despair, قنوط, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Diversion/Distraction, لهو, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Diversion/Distraction, لهو, is repeated to form this floral shape.

2022, Ink on paper, 6x6" The Arabic word for Caring, نهتم, is repeated to form this floral shape.